Rice University Precollege Program

  • Houston, Texas


[email protected]

  • Min. Session Length:
    Multi-length courses available year-round
  • Maximum Costs
  • Application Deadline: Rolling

  • Eligibility:
  • Option No Residential
  • Option Yes Online Option
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About Us

The Rice University Precollege Program is designed for high school students ages 13+ who wish to dive deeper into subjects that pique their interest, such as genome engineering, physiology, aerospace, law, and more. Each course features dynamic video lessons by renowned Rice faculty and access to mentors. Courses are available year-round, and the online format enables students to study anywhere, anytime, at their own pace. This flexibility allows students to take multiple courses and explore a variety of subjects.

Current subject areas include STEM, Business, and Law & Government.

Visit our website for more complete information about each course.

Available Courses:

Entrepreneurship: From Ideas to Impact in Fintech

Currently, there are 31 million entrepreneurs in the U.S., and 582 million worldwide. Within the world of finance, entrepreneurs are the creative thinkers with big ideas that result in creating the fintech market and other disruptive digital technologies. If you’re a high school student with a passion for entrepreneurship and a desire to know how it applies to the world of finance, our course is a great place to start. You’ll learn what drives the development of new disruptive platforms, how they are improving financial inclusion, and review case studies of fintech technologies like Apple Pay, Venmo, PayPal and Square. 

Genome Engineering: Changing the Future of Medicine

What does your DNA tell you about your own genetic make-up? Delve into genome engineering and see how the human genome can be edited to treat diseases, like sickle cell and other hereditary disorders. Study the ethics of genome engineering and compare the design tools used in the medical field. If this is a potential college major or career, our course is the place to start. 

Physiology: The Foundations of Medicine

Studying how the nervous, muscular, cardiovascular, and respiratory systems work together is an important first step in understanding how the human body functions. Physiology is the foundation you’ll need if you aspire to a career in medicine. Plus, human anatomy and physiology are the basis for numerous jobs in allied health, emergency services, and the medical field.

Space Exploration: The Road to Mars

Think about human space exploration coupled with today’s tech innovations. Imagine the logistics needed to launch people from Earth to the Moon and Mars. Hear what some of today’s aerospace leaders have to say about the future of this compelling science. This course will examine space exploration from the early Apollo voyages to the Artemis program. You’ll learn about the evolution—and future—of space exploration, and discover if aeronautics could be in your future. 

Global Affairs: Exploring Changing Political Systems

Did you know that only *42 percent of countries are considered democracies? A lot has changed over the past two decades, which is why global affairs remains an ever-evolving subject. In this compelling course, you’ll delve into the rise and fall of democracy. You’ll review democratic, semi-democratic, and authoritarian regimes through several case studies. Finally, you’ll identify the guardrails governments put up to protect political rights and civil liberties. 

Psychology in our Everyday Lives

Why do our brains interpret things so differently? Why is our health affected by our emotions? Psychology is the science that explains many “whys.” In this course, you’ll focus on how psychology is used to identify and address societal problems. You’ll learn how research and statistics provide answers to long-standing questions, such as why societies develop group-think, and how to use critical thinking and effective communication to grow in your personal life.

The Business of Economics

What are the factors that influence economic shifts in business? What is the role of the Federal Reserve, and what happens to the money supply? This course answers these questions and more. Get an introduction to the field, how market supply and demand drive prices, and how business competes when the economy faces inflation, supply chain disruptions, and international conflict. Want to understand the relationship between economics and business? This course is for you. 

Law: Shaping a Just and Equitable World

How does the U.S. legal system impact our society? What aspects of the law support equal opportunity? In this course, you will explore the core principles of our legal framework and the complexities of ownership rights. You’ll learn about workers’ rights, access to education, and the intersection of civil rights and the law. Finally, you’ll identify solutions to legal challenges around property ownership, employment rights, and education.


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