Clinical Neuroscience Immersion Experience @ Stanford University

  • Palo Alto, CA


[email protected]

  • Min. Session Length:
    2 Weeks
  • Min. Costs:
    In-person: $2,590; Online: $1,295
  • Application Deadline:
  • Eligibility:
    Rising 11th, 12th, College Freshmen
  • Option Yes Residential
  • Option Yes Online Option
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Clinical Neuroscience Immersion Experience @ Stanford University

About Us

For those hoping to explore a wide variety of topics within neuroscience, psychiatry, and psychology, Stanford’s Clinical Neuroscience Immersion Experience (CNI-X) could be an excellent fit. Overall, these psychology summer programs are fast-paced, rigorous, and highly collaborative.

The topics change yearly but provide a well-rounded overview of the field; past areas of discussion have included circadian rhythms, autism spectrum disorders, and psychotic disorders. No matter the topic, the program teaches students how to interrogate various questions and issues via interactive seminars. That said, sensitive issues like sexual assault, child abuse, and suicide may be discussed. (Students who prefer to avoid such topics are cautioned against applying.) Foundational principles of neuroscience research, clinical neuropsychiatry, and psychiatry epidemiology, among others, will be covered, along with self-care strategies. Finally, all students complete a capstone project that entails working in a small group to create & present a creative solution to a mental health-related issue.

The program runs from 9 am-4 pm five days a week; non-local students must secure supervised housing and transportation. Alternatively, there is an online option available where students participate in synchronous sessions for approximately four hours per day.

Admission to CNI-X is selective; about 30% of applicants are accepted. The selection committee looks for students who are highly motivated about participating in the experience. Accordingly, as part of the application process, students must submit a short essay about their interest in the program.

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