Penn Carey Law Pre-College Academy

  • Philadelphia, PA



  • Min. Session Length:
    3 Weeks
  • Min. Costs:
    Residential: $9,499; Commuter: $5,999
  • Application Deadline:
  • Eligibility:
    Age 15-18
  • Option Yes Residential
  • Option No Online Option
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Penn Carey Law Pre-College Academy

About Us

Penn Carey Law’s goal is to provide high school students with a glimpse of the first-year law school experience.

As such, they spend three weeks immersing themselves in a condensed version of first-year law school curriculum.

During the first two weeks of the program, students are introduced to the ins and outs of the American legal system. Accordingly, topics to be covered include contracts, torts/liability, criminal law, and constitutional law. In addition to developing legal reasoning, leadership, and communication skills, students engage in Socratic dialogue led by Penn faculty members. Then, in week three, students have the opportunity to explore specialized fields of law like environmental law and human rights & immigration law, among others. Virtual visits to law firms and courtrooms round out the experience.

These pre-law summer programs provide housing for non-local students and offer a commuter option for those in the Philadelphia area. Moreover, students who opt to live on-campus have access to weekend social activities and mentorship as well as the opportunity to explore the city and surrounding area.

Students are encouraged to apply as early as possible. Although the final deadline is in June, applications are evaluated on a rolling basis and programs fill quickly. Admission is selective; students must have a strong academic record and demonstrated leadership experience in order to be seriously considered.

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