Summer Game Studio at Clark University

  • Worcester, MA



[email protected]

  • Min. Session Length:
    2 Weeks
  • Min. Costs:
  • Application Deadline:
  • Eligibility:
    Rising 9th, 10th, 11th, 12th
  • Option Yes Residential
  • Option No Online Option
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Summer Game Studio at Clark University

About Us

Hosted by Clark’s Becker School of Design and Technology, the Summer Game Studio is geared toward students who hope to pursue game design in college.

As such, these game design summer programs for high school students aim to introduce participants to myriad topics within game development, including game art and animation, motion capture, testing, and production.

Students engage in structured lectures and discussions alongside plenty of independent studio time. Each morning, they spend several hours learning about various roles within game development from Clark’s full-time game design faculty. Then, in the afternoons, they collaborate closely with their teams to develop an original game, which they’ll also have a chance to work on during supervised open lab time in the evenings. At the end of the program, students present their games to faculty, industry professionals, and family members at a final showcase. They can also use their games as part of their college applications if so desired.

To promote community and collaboration, students live in residence halls and eat at Clark’s dining complex. They’ll also have the opportunity to engage in social programming in the evenings and on weekends.

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