Median Starting Salaries (by Institution): Materials Engineering

Salary (by major) data was collected from the U.S. Department of Education’s (USDOE) College Scorecard platform and indicates the median salary of an institution’s graduates two years after receiving their bachelor’s degree in materials engineering, along with the number of graduates per institution for which the USDOE has salary data. Since the USDOE focuses only on early-career salaries, we limit the salary tables on our Dataverse to “pre-professional” majors where students are more likely to pursue employment immediately after graduation (e.g., as opposed to attending graduate school) and within their undergraduate field of study.

*Note that the USDOE is not able to disclose salary data by major for all institutions offering a major in this area. For example, if a group of individuals within a certain institution is too small, the USDOE must suppress salary data in order to prevent identification of the group’s individuals.

Table Updated December 2023

Institution# GraduatesMedian Starting Salary
215062University of Pennsylvania12$76,460UPenn
213543Lehigh University13$74,200
171128Michigan Technological University34$73,635
170976University of Michigan-Ann Arbor42$71,575UMich
204796Ohio State University-Main Campus42$71,015OSU
236948University of Washington-Seattle Campus28$70,680UW
171100Michigan State University20$69,338MSU
190415Cornell University17$68,778
243780Purdue University-Main Campus14$68,499
110422California Polytechnic State University-San Luis Obispo31$68,219
134130University of Florida19$67,660UF
240444University of Wisconsin-Madison25$66,941UW Madison
104151Arizona State University Campus Immersion11$66,821ASU
145637University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign49$66,541UIUC
163286University of Maryland-College Park18$66,325UMD
139755Georgia Institute of Technology-Main Campus27$65,387Georgia Tech
166683Massachusetts Institute of Technology23$65,238MIT
100663University of Alabama at Birmingham27$64,990
194824Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute25$64,990RPI
227216University of North Texas14$63,997UNT
212054Drexel University32$63,600
175272Winona State University35$63,217
147767Northwestern University13$63,005
153603Iowa State University37$63,005ISU
174066University of Minnesota-Twin Cities43$62,632UMN
217882Clemson University31$62,012
233921Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University31$61,814Virginia Tech; Va Tech
199193North Carolina State University at Raleigh13$61,516NC State; NCSU
129020University of Connecticut33$61,303UConn
221759The University of Tennessee-Knoxville13$58,221UTK

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